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Learn and excel with the best online resources Think Teach has to offer.

Proudly brought to you by Think Teach Academy

The Powerhouse in Education

The Think Teach 3-D Approach

Decoding Questions
We analyse examination questions to draw out patterns and trends. Doing so allows us to map out every single question type that can possibly be tested. Exposing our students to all the types of questions would mean they would never be caught off guard in an examination. 
Devising Smart Techniques
Knowing every type of question that can be asked is only half the battle won. Our dedication to students drives us to formulate smart techniques that they can easily learn and remember so that they can approach questions with ease, confidence and accuracy. 
Delivering Results
Nurturing thinkers of tomorrow also involves equipping students with the know-how to study smart and score big for examinations. Our students learn and master our two-step philosophy of first identifying which question-type a particular question belongs to before applying our results-proven techniques for the correct answers.

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What parents say of Think Teach


“My daughter attended the Math & Science classes for her PSLE last year. Before she joined in April, she was barely passing for both subjects. For her PSLE, her results improved so much especially when she scored AL2 for her Science! One of the things I found most useful was Think Teach Academy's teachers formulate effective techniques that their students can easily learn and remember. As for parents, we receive a monthly email which keeps us in the loop regarding the progress of the lessons and an attachment which shows the past question types that were covered during the past 4 lessons. This way, I too can familiarise with the techniques that my child had learnt so that I can better guide her at home during revision time. ”

Kelvin Ang, Founder of (Parent of Althea, Fairfield Methodist Primary School)

“We came across TTA through an FB ad when it first started. We attended a presentation on their teaching philosophy and thought it would be a good fit for our eldest 3 years ago to prepare him for P6. Our eldest enjoyed his classes with Teachers Algene and Shou Yee very much and they helped him achieve breakthroughs in areas where he was stuck. TTA was a natural choice when our 2nd child entered her P6 year this year. Under the tutelage of Teachers Sharon and Shou Yee, she too fared beyond our expectations. We are truly thankful for having found TTA and having teachers who are able to engage our children at their levels!”

Jayne (Parent of Keagan, Student)

“A very big thank you to Teacher Algene and Teacher Gen for your guidance and support in my son's learning journey in P6. Some may be skeptical about the effectiveness of Zoom lessons but it worked well for us. The lessons were delivered with clarity and questions were answered and explained very well. The notes were well structured and helpful for his revision. I also appreciate TTA's admin support very much. They came to our rescue promptly each time when I had issue printing their worksheets. The Think Teach team has been very pleasant to work with and they make wonderful partners in education. We are grateful to have received TTA's support and seen my son's improvement over a short span of time. With my son's effort and TTA's expertise, we are grateful for and humbled by his stellar results in English and Science. Thank you Teachers! You rock!”

Magdalene Ng, Emmanuel Ng (Student)
  • I want to help my child improve weak areas and experience a boost in grades.

    Rocketeer covers every type of question imaginable. Its practices breaks down sections, topics and concepts into their component question types. Your child can improve by targeting question types that he/she is weak in or chase perfection and complete every single practice available.

  • I am worried online learning does not work well for my child.

    Rocketeer is a different online learning experience. Its worksheets are designed to be short so as to retain the interest and attention span of children. Videos are also made engaging and can be replayed if there was anything your child had missed.

  • I don't want to overwork and tire my child out with more work.

    Rocketeer may be additional practice but its worksheets are designed to be short and manageable in duration and length. This sustains your child's interest and makes sure extra work is effective and not overwhelming.

  • I am worried my child doesn't understand the answers.

    Rocketeer does not just give you answers. Every question is expertly explained in detail in a teaching video by the best teachers from Think Teach Academy.

  • My child is strong in his studies. I do not know what he does not know.

    Rocketeer breaks down sections, topics and concepts into their component question types. Through practising every type of question examinable, your child can find out what he or she does not know or can chase mastery in the subject.

  • My child is lost and does not know how to study or where to start.

    Rocketeer presents to you every type of question that can possibly be tested in exams. All your child needs to do is to practise these questions and refer to the teaching videos should there be doubts.

It's A Journey, Not A Race!

Your child's education is a journey, not a race. While you can go through a crash course with Rocketeer's resources, we advise you not to do so. We believe that children should study consistently, not crazily. This is why we have structured our practices to be manageable in length and duration.

Every month we add in new resources and remove old ones. We want our students on their toes and to join us for the full grade-boosting experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How best should I use Rocketeer?

    Rocketeer gives you additional and targeted practice. Questions are categorised into different question types. While you can choose to work on only those question types you are weak in, we recommend you leave no stone unturned and do them all. Once you have completed each worksheet, you should then watch the teaching video where we not only go through the answers but also teach you our techniques to best answer certain question types.

  • How should I purchase courses on Rocketeer?

    You can choose an ala carte style and purchase individual courses or pay for a monthly subscription which allows you access to all content available at that present time.

  • How long do I get access to the content?

    Regardless of when you start, the ala carte option gives you access to paid course of your choice till the end of an entire academic year. For Primary 6, access will be terminated on the last day of the PSLE. For other levels, it will be until the last day of school before the year-end holidays. A monthly subscription for a particular subject grants you access to whatever that is available on the platform for that particular subject. Access to such content will be available for 30 days, starting from the day of purchase. Do take note, however, that at the end of every month, resources will be refreshed – new practices will be added and old practices will be removed. This means that you would not be disadvantaged for subscribing early as you would have had access to more resources.

  • Is it possible to download any of the content?

    Only worksheets can be downloaded. Videos cannot be downloaded. Please take note that sharing of worksheets or videos is strictly prohibited and violate copyright.

  • Can I share my account?

    We hope and do not advise that you share your account with others. Every account has a progress tracker which shows what your child has and has not completed. This allows your child to know where he or she stopped at and what he or she should do next. Sharing an account would nullify this useful feature.

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